Conference sign in will be conducted between 8:00am and 8:30am on the day of each Event and official proceedings commence shortly after 8:30am.
The conclusion of each Conference will be at or near to 5:00pm on the day of each Event.
Morning Tea and Afternoon Tea will be provided to each Registered attendee by Conference Management at the location of each Event.
Lunch will be provided to each Registered attendee, but may not be provided at the Conference location. Any external location utilised for catering purposes by Conference Management will be expressed in advance to the Registering attendee.
Any images captured on the day by Conference Management remains the property of Urban Environmental Solutions. Registrants who do not agree to allow Conference Management to use these images in any promotional or marketing material must communicate this by email in advance of the Conference.
Registered attendees wishing to confirm a Cancellation of their booking must do so in writing. A refund of any Registration Fee will be distributed in accordance to the Refund Policy available at the Urban Environmental Solutions website.
Conference Management reserve the right to cancel an individual Event in the event that the number of delegates is less than the minimum required number of delegates. The minimum required number of delegates will be adjusted for each individual Event. Any decision by Conference Management to cancel an individual Event will be communicated to Registered attendees no less than 7 days prior to the Event date.